Environmental protection

The ELETOR company is located about 1 kilometer from the Brodnica Landscape Park. This place means that we are not indifferent to what will remain in the future.

We implement our environmental protection strategy on an ongoing basis in the following activities:

ELETOR produkty spełniają RoHS

1. Products not hazardous to the environment - RoHS

As producers of electronic equipment, we are aware that each of our products will lose its properties in the future and will become electro-waste. That is why we have made every effort to ensure that our products do not endanger the natural environment after they have finished their functionality.

All our devices are compliant with the RoHS directive. This means that the products contain no or have been severely limited substances hazardous to the environment, such as: lead, mercury, cadmium, etc.

2. Extending the life of the product

The product lifetime is of key importance for the amount of electrowaste generated. This means that the longer a product works, the less environmental pollution it causes. When designing our products, we try to ensure that their lifetime is longer than 10 years.

3. Post-warranty service

Our company provides service for its own products, regardless of the year in which they were produced. If we are able to economically restore product functionality - we do it. This reduces the amount of electronic waste, and additionally is more cost-effective for the owner of the damaged product.

4. Utilization of electrical and electronic waste

We work closely with AURAEKO - Electrical and Electronic Equipment Recovery Organization S.A. On the website https://www.auraeko.pl/elektrosprzet/punkty-zbiorki-elektroodpadow/ there is an up-to-date list of electro-waste collection points.

5. Internal ecology

  • current segregation of waste generated during the production and existence of our company,
  • ecological energy sources: gas and electricity,
  • energy-efficient building and equipment,
  • company digitization.